In our "Meet our experts" series, we regularly introduce you to our experts from all areas of the Delvag Group.

Roland Themm
In this interview, he talks about the tasks of a risk manager, how to prepare for risks and highlights from his time at Delvag, among other things.

Nicole Ribeiro Pereira
In the interview, she talks about the “MIT FRAUEN IN FÜHRUNG” network together with her mentor Dr. Borbolá Dux-Wenzel.

Christin Ostendorf
In this interview, Christin talks about the various dimensions of marine insurance and special requirements of jewellery insurance.

Martin Schmatz
In this interview, Martin takes a look back at his first year as a member of the Executive Board, talks about his goals and the cultural change in the Delvag Group.

Amal Boutziri
In this interview, Amal tells us how the training at the Delvag Group works and what highlights she has experienced.

René Schmalen
In this interview, René explains how innovations and digitalisation are finding their way into claims management and tells of exciting and sometimes curious cases from his day-to-day work.

Rieke Bundt
In this interview, Rieke talks about the differences between her jobs on network and client side and ventures a rough outlook on the international Employee Benefits market.

Vanessa Tomik
In this interview, Vanessa talks to us about the general situation in the industry and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dennis Heinen
In this interview, Dennis discusses the situation in General Aviation, insuring small aircraft, safety, premiums and the market during the coronavirus pandemic.

Sabine Rittmeyer
In this interview, Sabine talks about coverage and loss prevention for cash-in-transit, foaming of perpetrators and twisted ankles.