Current vacancies
Let's take off together!
Experienced professionals and young professionals

We are always looking for qualified employees who would like to become part of our team.

You have completed training or a degree in insurance, business administration, IT or law, or you are an expert with experience or a career changer.

At the Delvag Group, we offer exciting, challenging jobs and room for personal development.
Find out about current vacancies in the Lufthansa Group career portal.

Mitarbeiter mit Laptop

As a trainee, you will find an exciting environment in the insurance and aviation industry at Delvag.

We offer training to become an "Kaufmann / Kauffrau für Versicherungen und Finanzanlagen (Fachrichtung: Versicherung)". The apprenticeship usually starts in autumn on 1 August or 1 September.

If the Lufthansa Group career portal does not currently show any entry-level training opportunities, please send us an unsolicited application.

Vacancies at our subsidiary Albatros Versicherungsdienste GmbH

While the business focus of Delvag Versicherungs-AG is on aviation, transport and reinsurance, Albatros Versicherungsdienste GmbH acts as an insurance broker and advises corporate clients within and outside the Lufthansa Group.

Become part of our team in the Delvag Group.

Mitarbeiter mit Laptop
Melodie Himmelreich
Melodie Himmelreich Human Resources Management
Elke Wester
Elke Wester Human Resources Management