Meet our experts: Sabine Rittmeyer // Cash-in-Transit (CIT)

Sabine Rittmeyer, underwriter transport insurance in the divison of Cash-in-Transit (CIT). In this interview, she talks about coverage and loss prevention for cash-in-transit, foaming of perpetrators and twisted ankles.


Interview // 05.02.2021

Sabine Rittmeyer

Ms. Rittmeyer, time and again, robberies of cash-in-transit vehicles make the headlines. Recently again in Berlin or even more spectacularly at the beginning of 2020 with burning barricades in Italy. Are such cases insurable at all?
Yes, that's true. Our current experience is that attacks on cash-in-transit vehicles are taking on ever new dimensions and are becoming increasingly brutal. Some of the cases resemble scenes from a Hollywood movie. Of course, cash-in-transit services are insurable and will remain so. From the insurer's point of view, it is of course interesting that no damage occurs in the first place. The transports, and thus also the personnel and the goods, must be so well protected that they are of no interest to the perpetrators. That's why, when it comes to loss prevention and further development, we focus primarily on the appropriate security technology.

What risks do security companies and insurers face?
Of course, robbery is still a major risk. These often take place armed, but not always. In this context, the risk of hostage-taking also plays a role. Here, just as with the use of firearms, it is primarily psychological stress to which drivers are exposed. Beyond this, however, there are a variety of issues that go beyond these "classic" risks. The issues of stress and driver fatigue are increasingly playing a role, and traffic accidents or injuries caused by incorrect lifting or a twisted ankle are also more common than one might think. This is because coinage in particular is heavy and demands a lot from security personnel physically.

Keyword loss prevention. The perpetrators' actions often seem unpredictable and there is quite a range from the use of firearms to a twisted ankle. What are the options for loss prevention?
It will never be possible to completely prevent robberies. Because the money is there and naturally arouses desires. The main thing is to buy time in the event of a robbery and make things difficult for the perpetrators. A major sticking point, for example, is transporting the money from the store to the van. There have been an increasing number of robberies with pepper spray here recently. As a consequence, staff are now equipped with special visors, among other things, to help you fend off the attack.

In essence, it's simply a matter of staying on the move and proactively evolving together. Because the perpetrators are also continuing to arm themselves. This is where we rely on close interaction between us as insurers, special assessors and our customers. Every attempted robbery is evaluated and analyzed on site. From undercover observations in everyday life, on the basis of which personnel are later trained, to money suitcases with GPS or coloring systems, to special materials for the vans, everything is being further developed.

In contrast to other countries, however, offender protection also plays a major role in Germany. Some customers in Europe are already using special foam systems that, in the event of a robbery, foam the entire interior and thus also the perpetrators knee-high with foam that hardens at lightning speed. In Germany, this is not yet possible. However, a lot of movement is expected in this area.

How do you currently assess the market in the CIT sector?
We are currently seeing a lot of movement in the market as well. Some insurers are getting out of the cash-in-transit business because they no longer feel confident about the risk. As a result, we have recently gained some new customers. Basically, we are well established in this niche with more than 20 years of experience and maintain long-standing personal contacts. Most of our customers have been with us for over 15 years and we value the regular exchange and joint development on both sides.

Thank you very much for the interview.

About Sabine Rittmeyer
Sabine Rittmeyer has been with Delvag for almost 20 years. As an underwriter and advisor for cash and valuables transport in the area of transport insurance, she is currently responsible, among other things, for the area of jewellers' block with a focus on Hong Kong, as well as cash and valuables transport for Germany and Italy in particular, and to some extent also worldwide. Despite her enthusiasm for running, Sabine has less to do with twisted ankles. She runs her laps there with surefootedness and is also involved in the running section of the Lufthansa Sport Verein. During her free time, she also enjoys diving and the underwater world.


Interview: Philipp Schmid
Corporate Communications Delvag